Human System Engineering

The importance of human systems engineering is focusing on human needs while interacting with technology. Asset LLC is a leading researcher across the DoD supporting key military capabilities and enabling strategic and tactical use of human/machine cooperation and neuroergonomics. Our research includes digital modeling of humans for cockpit/crew-station accommodation analysis and human body compression/flexibility modeling based upon environmental conditions encountered during maneuvers.

Biodynamics and Anthropometry

Since 2010, Asset LLC has served as the lead member of the Cognition and Neuroergonomics Collaborative Technology Alliance (CaN CTA), whose goal is to develop real time human/machine interfaces. Asset LLC has made significant contributions to basic research in non-medical human cognitive state sensing, exploration, and exploitation by developing advanced signal processing and machine learning tools. ARL and Asset LLC scientists placed first in an international competition for neural-based image triage, the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR) Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies. Additionally, in 2018, Asset LLC scientists authored a research paper describing Deep Net application, which was awarded the Parasuraman Prize for Innovative Application as part of the 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference.

Warfighter Machine Interface

Asset LLC conducts research in soldier interaction and interface with manned and unmanned ground combat vehicle systems. This includes HW/SW for video and data management and soldier control interface for 360-degree Local Situational Awareness (360LSA) sensor system, hostile fire detection system, and autonomous navigation system. The 360LSA sensor output, and other subsystem data is presented to the soldiers via an advanced Warfighter Machine Interface (WMI), which is designed to optimize the crew’s workloads and to maximize its safety. Asset LLC develops simulations of the vehicles, sensors, and weapons, and autonomous navigation to facilitate study of various WMI design concepts and corresponding crew performance. Asset LLC also integrates prototype subsystems, and WMI with vehicles to facilitate investigation in real vehicles in field environments. Asset LLC has supported various US Army CCDC Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) experiments using these capabilities to gather performance metrics, including robotic system control through the WMI.

Human Subject Research

Asset LLC supports U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) basic research and applied research programs featured Human Subjects Research. Asset LLC scientists, engineers, and technicians work collaboratively with government representatives to plan and execute lines of research designed to enhance the human-system integration process. With the increasing DoD focus on introducing advanced technology to the battlespace, soldiers will increasingly interact with autonomous systems and intelligent agents. Asset LLC works to ensure next-generation soldiers will be prepared for these challenges through ongoing research, featuring the use of AI/ML, human systems engineering, research and development, gaming and virtual world development, human physiological measurement, and big data analysis.