AI and Machine Learning

Asset LLC scientists and researchers are leaders in AI, and autonomy through machine learning and deep learning. We support the ARL Center, Army Cognition and Neuroergonomics Collaborative Technology Alliance, AFRL, and the Navy/Marine Corps.

Deep Learning Application

Since 2010, Asset LLC has served as the lead member of the Cognition and Neuroergonomics Collaborative Technology Alliance (CaN CTA), whose goal is to develop real time human/machine interfaces. Asset LLC has made significant contributions to basic research in non-medical human cognitive state sensing, exploration, and exploitation by developing advanced signal processing and machine learning tools. ARL and Asset LLC scientists placed first in an international competition for neural-based image triage, the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR) Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies. Additionally, in 2018, Asset LLC scientists authored a research paper describing Deep Net application, which was awarded the Parasuraman Prize for Innovative Application as part of the 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference.

Autonomous Air Combat

Our researchers have been working with the Army and Air Force to develop tools to enhance autonomy in highly contested areas or Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) environments for air combat battle management that mitigate the challenges of growing, more sophisticated adversary threat systems. One of these tools, SPARTACUS (Self Protection and Reactive Technology), is an Advanced Combat Utility System which investigated the application of technologies, such as directed energy and kinetic weaponry in combination with coordinated vehicle maneuvers. It was used to defeat various types of threats in order to enable an air vehicle to defend itself while performing tasks in an access-denied airspace. IST is building complex, contested environments to train reinforcement learning-based aircraft control algorithms and evaluation autonomous sensor resource managers.

AI & Engineering

Asset LLC has served as the lead member of the Cognition and Neuroergonomics Collaborative Technology Alliance (CaN CTA), whose goal is to develop real time human/machine interfaces. Asset LLC has made significant contributions to basic research in non-medical human cognitive state sensing, exploration, and exploitation by developing advanced signal processing and machine learning tools. ARL and Asset LLC scientists placed first in an international competition for neural-based image triage, the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR) Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies. Additionally, in 2018, Asset LLC scientists authored a research paper describing Deep Net application, which was awarded the Parasuraman Prize for Innovative Application as part of the 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference.